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Ways to Set Up a WordPress Site

A good number of websites today are powered by WordPress. If you’re thinking of jumping on the bandwagon but are not sure how to get started, look no further. In this guide, we’ll run through a few different ways you can get your WordPress website up and running according to your level of comfort with web management. For other hosting guides and tips, you can visit this site. and What’s the Difference?


This is one common question our clients ask us. The main difference between and is that the former allows you to host your website directly on the WordPress server, meaning you don’t have to get your own web hosting to go live. You can also pick a WordPress subdomain for your website’s address if you don’t wish to invest in a top-level domain name just yet. Moreover, you can get started on for free without any setup – the WordPress system will already be running when you sign up for a new website.



Automatic Setup via Software Installer



Most web hosts provide automatic software installers such as Fantastico, Softaculous or Installatron. These installer tools can be accessed through your cPanel, where they provide a catalog of popular software to choose from. To get WordPress, simply locate it in the list of software and follow the instructions from your software installer. The database and user will be automatically created for you, so you won’t have to worry about the technical side.


Manual Setup


It is also possible to install WordPress manually by downloading the software package and uploading it directly to your website’s root directory. You may be wondering, why would anyone want to go through the hassle of manually setting up WordPress? Well, perhaps your web host does not provide a software installer to do the job for you. Or maybe you would prefer to do the installation yourself, so that you can have full control over the many configuration options of WordPress. Fortunately, performing a manual installation of WordPress is not as difficult as it sounds, thanks to WordPress’ handy setup wizard.


First, you will have to acquire the latest version of This can be done by visiting the site and downloading their package. Be sure to download the latest version, as it should contain the latest security patches and bug fixes from previous versions.


Next, open up your server’s root directory in a file manager. Some web hosts may place restrictions on the maximum file size you can upload at one time via the cPanel’s file manager, so we recommend using a file transfer client. If you intend to install WordPress in a sub-directory, create a new folder in your root directory and navigate to it. Upload the entire WordPress zip file into the directory you wish to install WordPress in. Then, extract the package in the directory. The WordPress folders and files should then be created.


You will also have to set up your own database for WordPress to use. Launch phpMyAdmin or your relevant database client. You can either create a new database or use an existing one – just take note of the database name. Also create a database user and a secure password. Take note of these, as you’ll have to enter them in the next step.


Navigate to the “install.php” page of the directory you installed WordPress in. You should be taken to a configuration page that asks for your database information. Your database host can be found in the database section of your cPanel, while the database name and login credentials are the ones from the previous step. You can optionally also select a table prefix for WordPress to use, which is highly recommended if you plan to run multiple WordPress instances on a single database.


Clicking “Next” prompts you to enter several details, including your desired website title, username and password. This will be the administrator account for your website and the name that you post under. Finally, if the setup was successful, you will be taken to the login page.


Obviously, inless you really need to take the manual rout and have experience in this area of setup, using hosting with Softaculous installers is much easier and faster.